Get your individual financial plan

I will design your individual financial plan, including calculations and an investment proposal

I review the situation in a comprehensive manner

It will help you set up a competent personal finance system and move towards financial independence

Risk protection

It is a vital thing which is often thought about at the last moment. Disability, property loss, neighbors flooding – all these may happen to everyone, and uninsured people are not an exception

Real estate purchase

You can really get your own property. I'll do the calculations and make a dream come true

Investments and an annuity savings plan

The most long-term goal that every one of us is waiting for is retirement. I will prepare a renter's plan, and we’ll start creating your capital

Sign up for a financial analysis

The sooner you master the basics of financial literacy, build the right relationship with money and start investing according to the plan, the more prosperous your life will be

How are the consultations conducted?


First meeting. We analyze your current situation

We calculate income and expenses and define goals


I make a financial plan

I make a plan according to your goals. It includes mortgage, insurance, and investment settlements


Second meeting. We discuss the financial plan and proceed to its execution

I tell you the action plan, and we start to implement it

Financial analysis gives you an action plan, motivation and tools

As a result, you will have a financial reserve, insurance that makes sense, your own real estate, and a long-term savings plan

Připravím finanční analýzu - Polina Kulikova

Cost of services

The cost of services, that is, the first two consultations with a financial plan, is 3000 CZK. The other party pays for the rest of the work on obtaining a mortgage or loan and taking out insurance. In case of investment, I make a discount on the entrance fee in the amount of the consultation fee.


Here you will find some of the questions frequently asked by my customers


How to protect savings from inflation?

If you want to protect your money from inflation, you should use different investment instruments for the short- and long-horizon.


I can't manage to save up, where to start?

Regardless of your salary, you must put aside 10% of your monthly income and spend only 90%. Then, you should gradually increase your income.


Is it difficult to understand the logic of investing?

No, it won’t be difficult if you seek help from a financial consultant. So, take care of finding a professional who will explain all the investing details.


What if I can’t reduce expenses, then how can I save up?

There exists only one solution to such a problem – you should take care of increasing your income.

Any other questions?

Don't waste your time! Contact me now and get an individual financial plan